Monday, September 12, 2011

More and flip flops

I have been obsessed with practicing new cookies and I recently made these cookies for a friend's Hawaiian themed party.  The Sunglasses were my favorite from this group. I am picturing a NERD theme in the future.  Lots of tape and glasses and maybe a few cookie calculators!

I apologize again for the picture quality. It's very obvious that I am not a photographer!

These cookies were for another friend whose daughter is girlie but loves horse back riding. It was a eclectic theme but I have to say that my boots turned out very cute! I had to google pictures because I do not own a pair!

Here is the girlie part of the cookie order. Strapless dresses and high heels. I used black disco dust. It is edible glitter and reminds me of the Martha Stewart craft glitter. I love this stuff!
I will try to post some non-cookie items on my next post.

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